Behind the Scenes 3

Episode 4
Episode 4

Ciara and Anja


episode 4

Episode 3
Episode 3

camera test

at a little lake

in Berlin


Episode 4
Episode 4

Ciara rehearsing the

scene in the dungeon

when she tries to es-

cape her prison.


Episode 4
Episode 4

In the same scene in the

final version she was

also gagged.

In ancient times it was

comman to gag witches

so they couldn´t scream

for help and contacting

demons or Satan


Ciara in Episode 4
Ciara in Episode 4
Episode 2
Episode 2

Wenke played another witch

who is kidnapped and tortured

in horrible ways in the uncanny



Episode 2
Episode 2

Episode 2
Episode 2

Carolin and Wenke rehearse

another scene how Wenke´s

mouth should kept shut so

noone can hear her screams

when Carolin will inflict some

more torture on her beautiful


Episode 3
Episode 3

Here are some stills showing Carolin

and Wenke rehearsing another scene.

Wenke is tied to a chair and Carolin

beats her up just for fun...

Episode 3
Episode 3